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But it on DVD

An Erotic Explosion

Filmed entirely on location in Hawaii.

In the long list of unforgettable John Holmes classics, Eruption might be his finest work. Notorious for his gigantic member, people often overlook his sincere and talented acting ability.

Hired by a devious sexpot played by Leslie Bovee, Holmes kills her husband for the life insurance money that will make them both rich. The murder goes off without a hitch, but when a persistent investigator causes trouble, the Hawaiian Islands grow treacherous.

Eruption is a glimpse into the art of John Holmes. His extreme facials and convincing acting matched with a big budget film noir story make for one of the greatest XXX films of all time.

Starring:Bernard Addison, Eric Evol, John Holmes, Leslie Bovee, Susan Hart, Tracy Valdis, Wynne Colburn
But it on DVD

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